Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Solos & Stella

This past weekend was spent at Matt's grandmother's house in Tennessee (we both had Monday off). We stayed with Mimi and also got to see some of Matt's extended family that we haven't seen in a while so that was great. Matt's cousin has a 14 month old little girl who is very cute so I had fun playing with her. Also Matt's uncle got a new dog while we were there, an English Springer Spaniel, pretty much THE dog that we want. Matt sang two solos at his grandmother's church on Sunday (both amazing, of course). One of my favorite things is to listen to him sing, it was fantastic.

The weekend was spent doing a whole lot of nothing really since there isn't much to do in middle-of-nowhere Tennessee but I did finish the book I was reading (2nd Twilight book) and we shopped around at some of the local places. I also helped Mimi learn how to use her new computer a little better which culminated in me trying to explain to 90-year-old Mimi how to get to Google over the telephone about 45 minutes after we were headed back to Atlanta because she forgot to ask me that while we were there. Needless to say, it was unsuccessful.
All in all a very fun weekend of seeing family and relaxing :)

I should also mention that I have lost Matt to another "woman" - Stella. Stella is a very, very old guitar that Matt's grandfather bought for Mimi to learn to play guitar on. It lives at Mimi's house and every time Matt is there he can't put it down. This weekend especially he played it NONSTOP. He decided he would bring it home with us and fix it up to bring back and leave in TN so it will be fixed up and will still be there every time we are. He took off the 50 year old strings and put new ones on and is still playing it nonstop. Not sure what else he'll do to it but he'll fix it up somehow.

This week we are counting down the days and hours until our inspection on Thursday at the house. Once that is done with we will know if we will be getting the house for sure. If we are getting it, I will post pictures that I am going to take on Thursday so you can see it!

One thing I am happy about tonight is that my budget seems to be paying off. It's only been a few weeks so I can't really tell how it will end up, but so far I know that I have spent more each week on groceries than I had planned which means I only have $23 to spend next week. If I didn't have the budget I would go out and spent $60 like usual, so this is a good limitation. Also good is the fact that we have soo much food right now stocked up so it's ok that I can only spend $23 next week. In meat alone we have 10lbs of chicken, 6lbs of ground beef and about 6lbs of pork. I think that will be plenty ;-)

Biggest Loser comes on tonight, you should watch!


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