Saturday, January 16, 2010


I wonder if anyone who reads my blog shares the same movie tastes as me? I have a rather strange taste in movies. I absolutely love indie films and weird films that other people don't find as catchy. I love most chick flicks and the little kid movies (Up, Finding Nemo, Lizzie McGuire Movie, High School Musical, etc). I also love science fiction movies (I loved Avatar, despite everyone hating the story line and loving the graphics, I just loved the movie as a whole). I thought I would recommend a few and maybe if you see them, you can tell me what you think ;-)

Recently I saw these two and absolutely loved them:

The Answer Man - Jeff Daniels and Lauren Graham. Jeff Daniels is a famous, reclusive author and Lauren Graham is a new chiropractor and single mother. I shouldn't even try to write some sort of review or recap because I'm terrible at that. I'll just say I loved this movie.

Waitress - Keri Russell. This movie was way better than I was expecting. I thought it would be a corny chick flick but there was so much more to it.

Nine Months - Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore. Call me crazy, I know this movie is old, but I have recently rediscovered it and it is absolutely hysterical. I can't believe how much this movie gets me laughing. Cheesy, yes, but hilarious.

I'll write more later on movies I love, maybe someone will get something out of them ;-)

(ps - I have no clue why my posts give me different size fonts when I always select the same size. I could go fix it in the html but I don't care enough)


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