Monday, March 30, 2009

More random ramblings

I still don't have any pictures for you but I will take some tomorrow I promise! This weekend was spent working on the house and we got a TON done! On Saturday most of the Moffitt men installed our alarm system which I am so excited about. I painted for 10 hours, I never knew I could power through physical work like that. The kitchen, living room, laundry room and hallway are all done being painted. I also put up our curtains in the living room and they are awesome! I have one more coat to go on the guest room as well as the entire master bedroom & bathroom.

I did some shopping for the house tonight. I got fabric to put on the backside of our roman shades so they won't be see-through. I also found some rugs that I love at Home Depot that are cheaper than I thought we would get rugs for. I have to get Matt to come with me to help pick them out. And right now I am supposed to be packing up the apartment.. oops :)

So I have been intrigued by this idea lately of trying to cut my own hair. Everyone says don't do it. I'm sure I agree with that. So while I am not going to give myself a full haircut, I did thin it out today by myself and it worked like a charm. Hopefully that will postpone my next haircut a little bit, who knows.

(By the way, I have Dancing With the Stars on in the background. I do not watch this show at all but I just turned on the tv so I could blog. Seeing how our remote is broken and we don't have cable anyway I am leaving it here. This is one of the most terrible shows I have ever seen. I do enjoy seeing people dance though.. who knows). Oh, they have two British judges, that makes it a good show, right?

Tomorrow I have off of work and will be painting all day long again. My friend Kelly is coming to help me!! Should be a fun day and hopefully I will have the guest room and master bedroom all done by the end of the day, as well as the privacy liners put on the shades.

Today I got home from a long day at work and found some huge sunflowers from my hubby :) I love getting flowers. What's funny though is that I keep them even after they have wilted and he finally throws them away weeks later. I just love looking at them! It will be nice to have some free time to work on our yard in the future and make it pretty too.

Enough rambling for tonight. Pictures to come.. Happy Monday!

OH almost forgot to mention. We watched What About Bob? on Friday night. Man that is a great movie!! Everyone should watch that :)


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