Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday happenings

Last night we went to see Cinderella as I said in my previous post. It was nice to go back to the opera since we haven't been in a long time. What also made it nice is that we saw Kelly, my boss (random, I know, but yesterday at work they were giving away 6 tickets to the opera so he got 2 for him and his wife), and also Matt's parents. We didn't know his parents were also going until yesterday afternoon so that was a nice surprise to get to see them there, especially since we used to have the season tickets with them. As always it was a very good show and funny. We also got to sit on the floor level instead of up on a balcony so that was neat. It is a little sad how many empty seats there were though.. I think the place was about 2/3 full. I wish more people would take advantage of how great our Atlanta opera is!

Tonight I am making Matt's grandmother's vegetable soup (his favorite). It is my first time making it so hopefully it goes well! Mimi made me and the other girls in the family a cookbook of all of her recipes and that is one thing I received for our wedding gift, very exciting. So I am trying that one out. We will be enjoying it with "Mimi's sourdough bread" which is the same bread she has been making for 25 years. I got some of her starter and brought it home and have to feed it every week and make bread from it when I feel like it. If you don't know much about sourdough bread starter, there is an interesting article on wikipedia (although my starter does not look gross like the pictures).

Then it's off to Meg and Kyle's house to watch the Biggest Loser (they have tivo, it comes on Tuesday nights) while Matt is at choir practice and at another gig tonight. He is playing in a band called Midnight Risers (check out their myspace, although the music playing on there sounds.. bad). They have a gig tonight playing at a thesis show of an art major from SCAD. I am going to forgo attending this gig since they are playing late and save up my sleep for when he plays a closing gig on Wednesday, December 3rd, that will be a late night. You should come check them out sometime at a show, you won't regret it! They play some really cool music.

To end my post, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'd like to know which food you look forward to the most on Thanksgiving day? Mine is by far my grandmother's dressing. She passed away a few years ago so my mom makes it and every year I can't wait. I need to learn the recipe.. the one that is written down has many things left out that you just have to "know" while you make it. I have a funny story about my mom trying to make it.. I'll leave that for next time :)


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