Thursday, August 27, 2009

How to clean your house in 30 minutes a day

I feel like there is an article with this title in every women's magazine I read. And rightfully so since we are always searching for the magic answer to keeping the house clean. I have come up with a new way for our household. I'm on week 1 and so far so good.. but we'll see how it's going in a few weeks :) So I split my house into 5 chores.

Empty trashcans
Family room & dust the house
Bathrooms and floors

Sunday through Thursday I tackle 1 chore each night, then I get to stop. So anyway that's my plan and I'll let you know how it goes. It doesn't keep the house 100% clean all the time but it keeps it clean enough and enough so that I could clean up the rest pretty quickly if someone was coming over.

In other news, there were terrible storms around here last night. The power in our guest room and office was knocked out. It didn't trip any circuits in our breaker so we are kind of at a loss for what to do. We tried some stuff with the breaker today to no avail so we are going to call an electrician in the next few days. Hopefully it will be an easy fix. The list of things we have fixed gets longer and longer...

Tomorrow morning I am supposed to run 15 miles. I have new socks and new shoes that I am really excited about. However, it's supposed to rain tomorrow morning, all morning :-/ And my left knee has a nice case of runner's knee. I'm reading up on it online as to what to do but ultimately I'm sure the best thing is to take a break from running, which isn't an option. Either way I have tomorrow off of work :)

Happy almost Friday!


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