Falling off of the wagon of budgeting and couponing. Not that I don't have plans for us to return. First the budgeting went a little.. not that we are spending all kinds of money or anything, it's just that we have stopped entering all our receipts into the nice little spreadsheets I made. Next, the couponing. I used to get my coupons [for free] from work on Monday morning out of the Sunday paper that waited there for me. Well guess what? They stopped delivering the Sunday paper to us! So for weeks I did not have my coupons. Now I am just committed to buying the paper every Sunday which is a waste to me because we don't read it. (A waste as far as the newspaper goes. I'll just have to recycle it.) But today I have two copies of the AJC to rip into and file those coupons!
So my new goal has been that by July 1st we will be back in the swing of all of it. And of course when I say 'we' I mostly mean me. Matt helps by entering his receipts but I'm the couponing / grocery shopping one.
Ok onto a little of what we have been doing lately. On Tuesday night we threw a baby shower for John and Stephanie (we being Crystal, Nancy and I) but it was held at Matt and I's house so lots of cleaning!
Wednesday night Matt and I went to see The Decemberists at The Tabernacle. While it was a good show I have to say it was not worth the money we paid for it. Oh well. The theater was WAY oversold and it was definitely 100 degrees in there. Everywhere you stood they told you you couldn't stand there but there are no signs anywhere saying that. And there was not enough room in the theater for everyone. The night ended with a homeless guy busting us out of a parking lot and then demanding $5 from us. Matt drove away while the guy chased us.. a little scary. And we never did pay for the parking which I feel bad about but what am I supposed to do now? We weren't going to try to pay with scary man there.
Matt and I have been trying to work on the house a little this weekend. Oh and speaking of the house, the basement is (almost) finished!! The professionals came in on Wednesday and did the waterproofing. While there is still a lot of work to be done, this takes care of a huge chunk of it.
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