Sunday, June 20, 2010

Matt and I had a pretty fun and typical weekend. Friday night we had dinner with some friends and talked for 3 hours which I love. Saturday got up and ran 4 miles. That's the farthest I have run since my marathon. I have been running without my knee brace lately (just 3 miles) and I've been fine. My knee felt fine during the 4 mile run but ever since has been tender so not sure what I'm going to do for the Peachtree.. if I'll wear my knee brace or not. Going to keep training to find out. The 4 miles didn't go so well with the heat and heat index around here so hopefully it'll cool off just a little bit so I can get in some good runs.

Today we had our normal routine of church followed by lunch (homemade pizza - yum!) and a trip to Aldi & Kroger. Wish I had taken a picture of the pizza, I forgot. Tonight was the youth Choir Tour Homecoming show at Northside. Matt's dad takes the kids on a choir tour every year and this year they went to New England and made their way back for the show tonight. It was great as always! Back to the grind tomorrow, here are a few pictures with my new camera ;)
Choir tour

I like this picture :)

I like this picture too but it's a little blurrier than I thought it was. Matt's brother John with Arabelle

Our little girl snuggled up with her dad

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fresh green beans

I'd love comments on how you fix fresh green beans. I have found that if you boil them / fix them on the stove that it takes FOREVER to get them how I would like them. I also like them with a little olive oil and salt and pepper thrown in the oven on broil for a few min. But I think there are better ways than both of those, so please help :) We have all these yummy fresh green beans in the garden and I need some ideas!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Some pictures, as promised

Well I've been testing out the new camera. I don't claim to be a pro and never will be, but I think I'll be able to take a few decent shots once I learn how to use the camera better. In the mean time, here are a few random ones I have taken while practicing some stuff, and they are not photoshopped since I don't have photoshop :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New camera is on its way

Surprise - my blog still exists! I haven't had much motivation to post lately and one reason is that I'm so excited about my new camera that I have wanted to wait and take a few shots of the garden and stuff to show.

No other big news, normal things - stuff at the house breaking and paying to get it fixed. Loving living in Marietta. And gardening - most everything is growing and we have even eaten some of it! More to come.

Hopefully once my new camera arrives (1-2 weeks) I'll be a little more motivated ;)

Until then (or sooner)...

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